Tuesday, December 27, 2011

At long last, I am retired

I am officially retired on 10 December 2011 with 9 Dec being my last day in office.  In my mind I have long retired before that date.  I had been on 4 day week since about middle of the year trying to finish off the balance of my annual leave.  I took three weeks off towards the end of my days in office.  I was even on leave on the 9th but made it to office to see and bade goodbyes to my office mates.  At my request there was no pompous 'official' final 'punch-out' but made it just a normal day out for me.  I dropped by the CEO's office to bade my goodbye.  I e-mailed friends and SMS others to say my goodbyes.

Spent a total of two days clearing-up my former room for the new arrival that is to take over my place.  Had a few staff helping me shredding materials of the past which I consider of no importance and to save my replacement of having to go over unimportant materials.  Anything of importance and my working documents stay in the computer for quick access.  Had my handing over notes ready and deposited it with my immediate boss for the next-in-line to follow through.  Deposited the Toshiba laptop and Apple iPad2 I had been using with the general office.

Arah and Ina on destruction derby mode. 

Thanks to them both, years of accumulated waste got to see their last days.
Managed to collect 16 bags full.  Baba Black Sheep sure shuddered at my collection!

Goodbye Work, Hello Retirement.......


  1. Welcome to the relaxed world of retirement. If you have no more debts to worry about or if they are of manageable proportion, life is so much fun if you know how to keep yourself occupied.

  2. Thank you Pak Zawi. Nice to hear from you again. InsyaAllah, I do really hope to be able to enjoy my retirement well.
