Tuesday, May 1, 2012

What If

What if DBKL had allowed the Bersih 3.0 gathering be held at Dataran Merdeka, would still there be chaos and the need for the police to use the tear gas?

What if the police had been rakyat friendly and facilitate the Bersih 3.0 sit-in protest (after all it was just a sit-in), would there be the need to have them in doves in KL on 2804?

What if the present government not fear the rakyats' democratic expression asking for a clean election, would the present ruling party be displaced come GE13?

What if Bersih 3.0 not be hijacked by the few highly ambitious individuals, would the calm dispersion of the gathering and the carnival atmosphere be maintained come day end?

What if the electoral rolls be cleaned up thorough, would there be voices claiming that it is still rigged and dirty?

What if those in power recognise the rise in people's power, would they drive towards a fair and just election?

What if those in power recognise that they are getting obsolete, would they readily pass-on the baton?

What if the present government concede to all Bersih 3.0 demands, would Bersih N come up with other demands?

What if there no longer be corruption, the crave for power, the greed for more, can we really dream of such a scenario?


  1. A better Malaysia will emerge if most of your question are answered and the right action take. There is not even the need to change the present government.

    1. Pak Zawi,
      I am all excited on the May 5th outcome. Hope it'll be a new dawn, InsyaAllah.
