Friday, July 22, 2011

And now it's EDAMS

Electronic Digital Asset Management System
As the name goes, organisational information is now regarded as an asset.  Being the information powerhouse the organisation is, pray that they do not make a commodity out of it, else we'll all need to relocate to the KL Stock Exchange.

I have nothing against technology.  I'll embrace it like religion anytime I see the benefit of its application.  But it'll have to bring real benefit, not the imagined kind.  It is not just about monetary benefit here, but it need to be shown that there will be time saving, repetitive work be avoided, and info and K sharing a reality in using the system.  It should not be some body's dream but every body's nightmare.  Technology should be an enabler rather than a distraction.  A burden is what is seen by most now with EDAMS.

The intention was noble, we are to go digital corporate wide, where the 'search engine' would just be our fingers.  We will no longer have to carry along our documents to meetings but with an i-Pad and a wifi connection, EDAMS will enable us to access the needed info .  We were make to believe that the system will even trace all communication.  I love that promise and was sold on that dream, especially when the most up-to-date info is required for decision making and to answer to our stakeholders. 

My wish is that we be allowed to initially use the system at our own pace.  Allow us to appreciate it's capability after which we can go on overdrive to reap it's full benefit.  Trust me, managing change is never easy and rushing it may get people apprehensive and rejecting the system in total.  Allow not our eagerness to overwhelm the system.  We do not want a good system shelved.

1 comment:

  1. Wan,
    Advancement in technology is so rapid that it is kind of hard to keep up with the latest change. What is new today will be obsolete in no time but change we must just to keep ourselves abreast with the others.
