Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The ECER Challenge

They ECERDC (Eastcoast Economic Region Development Council) people came for a discussion.  This is my first interaction with them.  Seemed that things are progressing well ahead and the collaboration has been good.  We are associated with them in developing the MSCRIC and KBGBIC.  Seemed a mouthful acronyms for both until I came to know that they stood for Muadzam Shah Cattle Research & Innovation Centre and Kuala Berang Goat Breeding & Innovation Centre, respectively.  Whoever coined those acronyms should have been more creative and come up with something more commerciable.  For that I would trust my old boss.  With him we had UNIPET (Unit Pengeluaran dan Teknologi Bijibenih) and PROTEK (Bahagian Promosi & Pembangunan Teknologi).  A later boss came up with PROMNES (Project Monitoring and Evaluation System).  Apt to the name we had to be prompt with out reports.  Alas, all those are now history as newer softwares were developed and systems improved.  PROPER now takes the role of PROMNES, with improvements of course.  UNIPET is all gone and so is PROTEK.  So much for commerciable acronyms!  It's only good while it lasts.

Back to the ECER story.  I now have to track the earlier agreement to know what our commitments are in both projects.  The Kuala Brang project is developed on DVS a property while the Muadzam piece belongs to MARDI.  We have Dr. Musaddin and Dr. Shan entrusted with both the projects, respectively.  For what it matters, these are among the visible ECER projects that we are involved with.  Hope to visit both soon for it is not like seeing it for yourself.  The Kuala Brang location has been my playground once when I was delphing with hill padi screening projects early in my service.  I still remember the aromatic pandan variety for one.  Though unpublished, my report on the project has frequently been referred to by rice breeders.

ECERDC would like our sure commitment in both the projects.  I will come up with the letter of 'intent' for the KP's stamping.  I was also be provided with a new agreement draft that need to be checked by our LA.  ECERDC promised to send in the softcopy.

Visited Pn. Badariah (formerly of PK) at Serdang Hospital during the lunch break.  She is down with stroke and was warded since Tuesday.  She passed out in bed Monday night but the family thought she just fell asleep as always after her collapsing bout.  Could have been better taken care of should she been taken to the hospital much earlier.  The family has been counselled to expect the worst.

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