Thursday, July 14, 2011

My Morning With The KP

I came prepared for the slaughterhouse, to face the music of our 'undoing'.  For the fact, the KP was really off the hook.  I have to take the blame for not taking charge, but regrets won't be making things any better.  But I need to remind myself not to repeat the incident, it's for sure not worth the agony and outcome.

Though prepared for the worst, it is not to be.  The KP, being a nice and diplomatic man was all full of apologies for his outburst.  Would you believe that?  The situation makes me sick to the stomach, for what I really really deserve is  the boot.  You never in your life would want to hurt and disappoint a man of such noble character.

The worst is over for now.  Together in the session were the two TKPs and my TP in-charge of the Corporate Planning and Evaluation Program.  We discussed the matter over, came to a consensus, plot our new move and have the new work schedule drawn out.  The new corporate KPIs were set and I will need to key them out to be flashed to the Directors and Deputies for the pre-lunch meet.  The new job schedule is that IS will need to modify the PROPER programming logic to take in the new decisions, we'll need to arrange for a familiarity workshop with all the PTJs and have them upload their project registration and information to the system, and finally to have a new M&E session. Will need to remind them of GIGO (garbage in garbage out) during the workshop session for I now refuse to accept any blame for their soon to be declarations.  The job will be scheduled as such:

Now - to end of July: IS to improve PROPER and run acceptability tests
Q1 - Q2 Aug: PTJ Data Entry Workshop
Q3 Aug: Corporate Monitoring Exercise (There goes my puasa and Raya peace)

The prelunch session goes pretty well albeit with some reservation from some expecting another hammering.  The group are agreeable to the new KPIs except with respect to the publication KPI.  The KP had wanted it at 1000 refereed scientific and technical publication/yr, we negotiated for 500 during the morning session with him, the prelunch group wanted it only at 250!  The KP will have the final word though and we leave it at that.  The TKP will need to renegotiate the new figure with the KP.  Felt like the Isra' Mi'raj bargain for the solat.

What a relief, but I am promising myself to never again be put to this situation.

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